Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Reflection on Political Party Stimulation

This activity our class did, in my opinion, was very beneficial.  As much I have learnt about the different political parties over the term, having listed to what other student's research on the standing political parties in government was a learning experience.  I myself had to look at the outlooks of the Green Party.  I had not quite understood this party as it does not get that much attention as it only holds few people in government.  I believe everyone of Canada should have a reasonable understanding of our political parties. These are standing on which we as voting for our country to run with.  If more citizens of Canada knew and were more involved with politics, our government would more than likely run smoother.  People of Canada continue to say they want things to change, however many of these people do not do anything productive for this change.  That is what we need in our country.
Reflective Journal : Canadian Government & Politics

Though out this semester I have learnt so much about my own country's government.  I am glad I took this course for the reason that I would have never learnt things such as how government actually works; how a bill is passed; who controls what; effect of public policies; and as well how our seminar books relate to my own life.  However, after learning all of this I have developed my own view on government and politics. I hope our government does something about issues such as global warming and health care.  To me these are aspects that interest me.  I am surrounded by health care and as I shared in my paper about pharmaceuticals and medicare, there needs to be something done.  We live in a great country, yet there is always room for improvement.  As well as we discussed about global warming, we need to get a grasp on this soon.  Even if people all over the world are ignoring this issue, does not mean our country should as well.  We need to step up and try to make environmentally friendly decisions, before it is to late.  I also fear that our government will become more like the system in United States.  This scares me because I do not agree with their system, and believe it would not do our country very well.  I hope I continue to keep my interest up in the news as I have been this semester and take a stand for issues that I believe in.

Politics is everywhere.